Sur le Motif

This project has for origin a reflexion about the landscape, as a reality, outside, and as a "genre" in the art history, the tradition of painting the landscape, outside the studio. To paint "sur le motif" is the expression the French people used for the other French expression "En plein air" used by English language. Translate words by words, it means "to paint on the motif", like the landscape being already assimilated to a pattern, that means something that is not directly nature. Indeed, the act of painting "en plein air" outdoor has been particularly develops along the 19th century, with easel and paints in tube. It is funny to see that the need or representing the Nature came at the moment the Nature in its wild and unknown aspects, was lost, with the development of the Industry and the knowledge of the all planet. These paintings are made in studio, with full of "motif" (pattern), literally "sur le motif".

We wonder if the landscape still exist, as a genre, as a reality, inside or outside, and if yes, how it could still arise through brand marks and territory battles. Can we still have a relationship to the landscape that could be something else than just the one of consumers, the one of National Parks, the one that force us to be a spectator, to stay "outside" the landscape even if we are "inside" the landscape ? Serie of 10 paintings. and

sur le motif / OBC / 02-2013

studies for the sur le motif 1# (bang) / watercolors and gouaches, 40x60cm, spring 2013

sur le motif / OBC / 02-2013

studies for the sur le motif 2# (the water fall) / watercolors and gouaches, 40x60cm, spring 2013

sur le motif / OBC / 02-2013

studies for the sur le motif 3# (pine tree) / watercolors and gouaches, 40x60cm, spring 2013

sur le motif / OBC / 02-2013

studie for sur le motif 4# (Burberry) / watercolors and gouaches, 40x60cm, spring 2013

sur le motif / OBC / 02-2013

studie for sur le motif 5# (infiltration) / watercolors and gouaches, 40x60cm, spring 2013

sur le motif / OBC / 02-2013

studies for the sur le motif 6# (Fukushima) / watercolors and gouaches, 40x60cm, spring 2013

sur le motif / OBC / 02-2013

studie for sur le motif 7# (lightning) / watercolors and gouaches, 40x60cm, spring 2013

sur le motif / OBC / 02-2013

studies for the sur le motif 8# (the water battle) / watercolors and gouaches, 40x60cm, spring 2013

sur le motif / OBC / 02-2013

studies for the sur le motif 6# (river) / watercolors and gouaches, 30x45cm, spring 2011