Inside / outside

Serie of paintings on wood questioning the limits between inside and outside, where
and how the 2 notions meet or embrace each other: inside / outside the frame, the
format, or inside /outside the architecture, the landscape. Often combined with the
animation serie the wanderer. (Western culture always talks about the exercise, but
what happens to the innercise ?!)

castel in Japan / OBC / 03-2011

Japanese castel, gouaches on eucalyptus bark, march 2011.

castel in China / OBC / 11-2012

Chinese castel, gouaches on MDF, November 2012.

watter wheel / OBC / 02-2011

watter wheel, gouaches on wood, February 2011.

bauhaus / OBC / 03-2011

Bauhaus, gouaches on wood, March 2011.

lighting in the Pyrenees / OBC / 03-2011

Lightning in the Pyrénées, gouaches on wood, March 2011.

exit / OBC / 03-2011

Exit, gouaches on wood, March 2011.

japanese villa / OBC / 02-2011

villa in Los Angeles, gouaches on wood, February 2011.

japanese villa / OBC / 04-2011

japanese villa (with one of the wanderer on top), gouaches on wood, April 2011.